Mother’s Day

Cherishing the bond- Mother’s Day celebrations at Cambridge International School.

“Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty

Mothers are a perfect amalgamation of #love, #devotion and #sacrifice. The bond between a mother and her child is inexplicable and to celebrate this bond, Mother’s Day was observed at #Cambridge on 9th May, 2024.

The #KindergartenWing of School celebrated the day with great #zeal and #exuberance to foster the social and emotional health of the learners through motherly love and compassion.

Our little learners made the day special with heartwarming activities compiled by the teachers for the wonderful mothers. A myriad of presentations by learners helped them express their #gratitude and #respect for their mothers.The highlight of the event was the dazzling #rampwalk by our incredible mothers.

Heartfelt messages, #songs #Tambola and a beautifully #choreographeddance by the young learners made the day special for all mothers present. It was a memorable event to witness how precious Mother’s unconditional love for each of us.

Wishing all mothers a joyful Mother’s Day!


Inter House Skating & Kho-Kho Competition

Inter House Skating & Kho-Kho Competition.

“Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up.”

Sports play a major role in shaping a child’s personality. At Cambridge, our constant efforts are to develop the personalities of our children by nurturing every aspect of their lives.

For the holistic development of our learners, incorporating sports into the school curriculum is a must!

The school organized an Inter-house #Skating competition for grades III and IV and a #Kho-Kho competition for grades V and VI on April 29th and 30th respectively.

All the players put their best efforts. The Sports Incharges, along with the SRIM Centre for Sports Excellence, organized the event.

Congratulations to all the winners and appreciation for the true sportsmanship showcased by the players.


Athletics Day

Celebrating Athletics Day – Vibrant moment of health and fitness at Cambridge.

Sports and athletics have always been a way to foster physical abilities, confidence, and skill among individuals.

The young learners of our Kindergarten Wing showcased unparalleled athleticism, teamwork, and zest as they participated in energetic thrilling activities, gripping every moment infused with #enthusiasm and #joy.

The vibrant atmosphere was filled with #excitement, painting a picture of sheer delight and determination.

Kindergarten educators along with Sports educator planned the events that included #relays, #obstacleraces, #hulahoop and other engaging sporting event.
The educators also captured every remarkable moment, adding to the #memories of this extraordinary day .

Cambridge salutes the #resilience, #sportsmanship, and #collaborativespirit of our tiny tots. Their talent and positive energy was an inspiration to all as they embark on a journey of greatness -both on and off the field!


Labour Day

Happy Labour Day 2024!
“No work is insignificant. All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
Commemorating the theme of #InternationalLabour’s Day, the students of grade VI presented a Special assembly on 30th April,2024. The assembly started with prayers followed by a small skit related to the topic.The skit highlighted the need to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. The underlying message of the play was the contributions of workers need to be recognized in society.
This was followed by a short speech highlighting the significance and background of Labour Day across the world, sensitizing the audience on the importance of appreciating people for their hard work.
To appreciate, acknowledge and #value the services of our support staff a number of #funactivities were organised in the campus.
As a gesture of gratitude, the students served #snacks to the support staff of the school. The children of the Foundational Wing too expressed their gratitude towards their nannies and housekeeping staff with handmade cards filled with words of praise.

Talent Hunt Activity

“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God”. – Leo Buscaglia.

We at #Cambridge not only focus on quality education and values, but also bring out the hidden talents of our young students. Young children, as we believe have an ocean of hidden talent amongst them and to nurture their intrinsic qualities, Cambridge organized – “KHOJ” – A #TALENTHUNTACTIVITY
that provided a platform and gave an opportunity to students to showcase their unique skills and talents to their fellow students and to the school community.

The purpose of the activity was to nurture #intrinsicqualities and remove the #fearofstage among students, which helps in personality development.

Talent Hunt is one such event that gives students a platform to represent their talents in any field. It helps students show their abilities and motivates them to come upfront and show their hidden potential.

Students participated enthusiastically and displayed their abilities magnificently. They showcased their skills and displayed their talent in poem recitation, singing, dance, acts, smokeless cooking, music, fashion show, rap, art & craft, mimicry, block building, skating to name a few.

The young talent, with their creative minds and innate caliber, were at their best.


International Dance Day


Learning, thought, creativity, and intelligence don’t just come from the brain alone but from the entire body. Movement combinations increase memory, order, and sequencing skills.

Creating dances also increases self-esteem, which is very important to learning. Knowing that dance has positive effects on students’ development, a #DanceActivity was organised at #Cambridge for the #KindergartenWing on 29th April to celebrate the International Dance Day.

The young learners displayed innovative dance moves with unique steps and rhythms as they happily moved their feet. Also, their repertoire of dance numbers was quite amazing! Some children choose to create their own dances, and that was a joy to watch.

Dance has also been proven to increase cognitive development.
Utilizing dance in academics also helps children develop skills that are necessary for learning, such as creativity, communication, critical thinking, and collaboration. Through the creative process, students were encouraged to use their imagination, collaborate with their peers to solve problems, and discover multiple solutions to challenges.

As the Kindergarten rocked the floor with their beautiful attire and moves, we hope that all of our children never lose their desire to play #music and #dance!


World Book Day


“A book is the device to ignite imagination, a dream that we can hold in our hands, a conversation to ourselves”.

World Book Day is observed every year on April 23 to promote reading. Cambridge celebrated the day with a message for Primary classes stressing on the importance of reading books. Students were taken to the library to read books.

Grade VI participated in the activity by #DesigningBookmarks where the objective of the activity was to encourage creativity, self-expression, and personalization while also promoting the importance of reading and using bookmark.

Grade IV participated in #makingshelfguides&labels for the Library, helping the students to understand the library classification and shelf arrangement.

The day was dedicated to taking a moment to appreciate the power of books.

Happy World Book Day!


World Earth Day

“We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it.”
               — Barack Obama
For the past 40 years, #Earth Day has been celebrated around the world to call attention to some of our most pressing environmental and social problems, including #climatechange, #biodiversityloss, and #dwindling natural resources.
The students of  Cambridge observed #WorldEarthDay on April 22, 2024, with sincerity and a sense of commitment. A range of events were organized to sensitize the children about the importance of conserving natural resources and motivate them to contribute towards #protecting their environment and  highlighting the #significance of Earth Day. The global theme for this year’s Earth Day, “Planet vs Plastic,” was given special emphasis.
As part of the Earth Day celebrations, a special assembly was conducted by the students of #GradeVIII. Students took a pledge to preserve and conserve the self-sustaining planet Earth. The young choir sang a soulful and melodious song dedicated to Mother Earth. A thought- provoking dance and skit by students highlighted the importance of fighting climate change and conveyed a strong message about the little ways by which we can take care of our Earth.
Our Little Earth buddies from the #KindergartenWing expressed their views through #artandcraftwork based on the theme.
Primary Wing students took out a rally around the school, holding placards to raise awareness among their peers to protect their Mother Earth. The students shared their reflections on what Earth Day means to them and expressed that every day should be an Earth Day for every citizen of the planet Earth. They raised slogans and voiced their thoughts with great zeal and enthusiasm, emphasizing the need for everyone to invest their time and effort in protecting the environment and reducing the impact of global warming.
As an integrated learning experience, poster making highlighting the importance of Earth Day were put up on the corridor boards, and students were encouraged to share their ideas and opinions on being Earth Saviors, helped consolidate their understanding.
Each member of School Community took a pledge to save Mother Earth by doing simple doable actions. The activities emphasized on the importance of food and water shortage, responsibility of managing the indoor plants, planted seeds,  bird feeders, an artificial river model, slogan writing and a special emphasis on #reduce #reuse #recycle to motivate the entire school.
The whole school took part in this endeavour and initiative, reminding that our continuing effort in our daily life will make this beautiful planet thrive.

Parent’s Orientation 2024

#ParentOrientation- 2024.

Cambridge embarked on the fresh academic journey for the new session 2024-25 with the #ParentOrientationProgram that was conducted on Wednesday- 3rd April -2024. This orientation and inductions were planned so that the parents and students could visit the school personally, see different areas of the school and interact physically with the incharges or the teachers.

The invite was extended to all parents and the purpose of these sessions was to make a smooth transition of the learners to the school and to #familiarize the parents with the school’s #philosophy, #vision, #specializedareas, #special programmes, #resources and #teachingmethodologies.

During the session, Junior and Senior Wing Coordinators- Ms. Balwinder and Ms.Jyoti Payal enlightened the parents with #innovative teaching methodologies that are used in different dedicated areas and apprised them with the learning environment in the school. The Coordinators also made the parents aware of the changing scenario in education, the culture and working atmosphere of the school, the plans for systematic implementation of the hybrid model and emphasized upon the pivotal role played by the parents in the learning of children.

The program culminated with the parents taking a round of respective classes and parent/ children participating in one to one interactive sessions with respective class educators.

Beams of #joy and #excitement were visible on the faces of children and parents alike as they anticipate a fruitful journey with the school ahead.


Teacher’s Orientation 2024

“School leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on pupil learning.”
The academic session 2024 at Cambridge started with a School Leadership CPD workshop designed for all educators across all grades.
The session was conducted by the Principal, Dr. Rohit Pande that focussed on  mentoring , reflective learning, encouraging new approaches and a more inclusive and participatory style of school management. The focus was on developing the ability of all educators as school leaders to deliver improved learning outcomes and implement school development plans, with a focus in empowering teachers make a positive and lasting difference to teaching and learning.
The workshop aimed at imparting knowledge that help effective teachers to become  inspiring leaders.
#HappyLearning #MeaningfulOutcomes