Kargil Vijay Diwas

#KargilVijayDiwas #SpecialAssembly
“Honor the courageous warriors who gave their lives to bring the Kargil War to a glorious end.”
Grade 1A conducted a Special Assembly remembering the #Bravehearts and celebrated the victory of our “men in uniform” by celebrating Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26th July 2024.
The ceremony began with morning prayer followed by paying homage to the courageous and brave who laid down their lives protecting the motherland.
The students enacted a play highlighting  glimpses of action of our #ValiantHeroes for their selfless devotion towards the country. They also provided information about how the brave #IndianArmy fought the war in difficult terrain and adverse climatic conditions to defend the nations sovereignty.
The assembly served as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices and valor of our soldiers, teaching students about bravery, patriotism, courage, unity, sacrifice, and resilience.
The assembly concluded by expressing our gratitude for their selfless service and sacrifices.

Shiksha Saptah- A Week of Wonder and Learning.

“Children are naturally curious. Right from birth, they are wondering and exploring.”
Play is a powerful and important activity. It has a natural and positive influence on children’s social, physical, emotional, and cognitive development. The best learning happens when #childrenplay.
To foster a spirit of #collaboration and #innovation among our #FoundationalLearners, Cambridge provides a learning platform towards realizing the vision outlined in the NEP at grassroots levels.
Students from Grade Nursery to Grade II participated in a list of activities on 23rd July, 2024 that were toy/puppet based, story telling, and using imagination to design innovative creations with Lego resources.

Investiture Ceremony

Investiture Ceremony at Cambridge.
“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” – John C. Maxwell
The realm of educational institutions, traditions and ceremonies play a vital role in shaping the #schoolculture and fostering a #senseofbelonging among students, teachers, and staff. One such important event is the #investitureceremony, which holds immense significance at Cambridge and was held at the school campus on Friday, July 19, 2024.
Cambridge’s motto is to create leaders of tomorrow. For us, the Investiture Ceremony is not just about providing titles but about conferring responsibilities to the students, to take charge of the school and take it to the heights they desire with their leadership, decision-making skills, communication and teamwork.
At this ceremony, the  prefectural board was formed, and the  students were bestowed with positions of #authority and #responsibility. These positions included school prefects, student council members, house captains, discipline in charge, and cultural head.
The Principal, Dr. Rohit Pande, encouraged the new appointments to put in #honestefforts for every endeavor and become an #inspiration for others.

Dexterous Fingers

“Dexterous Fingers- Strengthening Skills, One Activity at a Time.”
Helping students fine-tune their dexterity is key in school. Dexterous Fingers activity was conducted at  #Cambridge on 12th July  for students of Grades I to VIII to increase their dexterity while having fun.
Class educators planned the session, that involved fine motor skills with hand-eye coordination, helping students of the respective age groups participate effectively, helping them strengthen the muscles in their fingers, hands, and wrists, while also enhancing coordination.
A variety of fine motor skill activities that included, such as buttoning a shirt, origami, shapes with clay, thread painting, creative decorative wall hanging, and bracelet making, were conducted  ensuring an activity for everyone.



Cambridge hosted the enthralling “Punjabi Mystic Box” workshop at its campus , specifically designed for Educators of #Foundationalstage. The session was led by Resource Persons, Ms. Harleen Kaur Rehal and Ms.Navneet Kaur who showcased the importance of early childhood education in alignment with the #NationalCurriculumFramework for #FoundationalStage (NCFFS).

Participants got the opportunity to learn and explore strategies and teaching tools to engage young learners through play based resources tailored for Nursery to Grade II. The main objective of this initiative is to transfer and transmit the ideas and concepts of learning in children at the Foundational stage as envisaged by NCF- FS.

The program included resources/activities, playbooks, flashcards, toys, puzzles, story books, colourful pictures, and engaging texts, that will go a long way to help our young learners in developing their thinking skills and emotional well-being.



Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once said, “Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.”

A special workshop on the “Use of AI in Modern Education,” led by Mr. Arun Masih, the esteemed Principal of Chandigarh Baptist Sr. Sec. School and a CBSE Resource person conducted an insightful event that explored how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the educational landscape, making learning more engaging and personalized for both educators and learners.

Mr. Masih believes, “AI is not just a tool, but a transformative force that can empower both teachers and students to achieve their fullest potential.” Following his belief, the workshop delved into practical applications of AI in classrooms, showcasing innovative methods to enhance learning experiences and outcomes.


Poem Elocution


“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” –Robert Frost.

This quote is so true as the students of Cambridge displayed their talent in poetry in an #ElocutionCompetition and #PoetryRecitation held on Saturday, 18th May 2024.

The Primary School conducted the #EnglishRecitationCompetition for Classes I to IV , followed by #PoemElocution by upper grades. The event is in an attempt to promote #Englishspeakingskills, in terms of #pronunciation, #delivery, and #voicemodulation, and to #develop English in its spoken form. The poems selected were varied and very enjoyable.

The participants were confident and well-poised, as they conducted the proceedings of the competition. All the participants performed exceptionally well, winning accolades from the audience. The competition gave a lot of encouragement and confidence to the performers and to all the students present.

The young and gifted #orators won the hearts of the judges, who were overwhelmed by their oratory skills and preparation. This was followed by the announcing of the #winners, amidst thunderous applauding. The confidence, expression and talent of the young ones made the event truly memorable.


World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

World Telecommunication Day is celebrated annually on 17th May since 1969, marking the founding of ITU and signing of the first #InternationalTelegraphConvention in 1865.

Cambridge Kindergarten Wing marked the day with a plethora of activities. The main aimed to highlight the importance of communication and how information travels across the world. The celebrations were intended to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies together.

The young learners participated in a number of fun activities that helped them understand that #Telecommunication is the key to human connection and brings a beacon of hope to millions across the globe.


Block Building Competition

Block by Block, We Learn and Grow-Kindergarten Block Building Competition.

Building blocks of all varieties have been a toy of choice as they support development and learning.

A BLOCK BUILDING competition was held at Cambridge for kindergarten learners on 16th and 17th May, 2024. The young learners were given blocks,cones and cups of different shapes, sizes and with instructions from class educators, step by step, they arranged and organized the blocks, creating different models.

Such activities open the door to creativity and problem-solving. It also encourages colour recognition, hand-eye coordination and also problem-solving by looking at the pattern print out to work out how many blocks are needed to recreate.

Such competitions stimulate learning in all developmental areas: physical, intellectual, social and language.

Learning with building blocks was truly enjoyable.


International Family Day

Celebrating International Family Day at Cambridge: Building Connections and Making Memories.

“When there is no light, the family will guide you home. When you feel alone, there is a family to call your own.”

The #InternationalFamilyDay is observed on the 15 May every year as proclaimed by the #UNGeneralAssembly in 1993 that reflects the importance the international community attaches to families.

Cambridge Kindergarten Wing celebrated Family Day on 15th May, 2024. Various activities were organized for the tiny tots to realize and perceive the #value of family in their life. It enabled the students to recognize that the family provides a #senseofbelonging and a #uniqueidentity to them. It also created a special emotional feeling in the students about their family.

The activities included #art&craft work, in which children were given an opportunity to express their feelings about their family. The students were asked to make the #familytree with their family photographs and names pasted on it.

Fun filled activity oriented worksheets were prepared by the teachers to instill the message that family is like branches on a tree, that grows in different directions yet the root remains the same.

It was a day full of fun and excitement for the students and would definitely be a memorable day in their life.