Talent Hunt Activity
“Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God”. – Leo Buscaglia.
We at #Cambridge not only focus on quality education and values, but also bring out the hidden talents of our young students. Young children, as we believe have an ocean of hidden talent amongst them and to nurture their intrinsic qualities, Cambridge organized – “KHOJ” – A #TALENTHUNTACTIVITY
that provided a platform and gave an opportunity to students to showcase their unique skills and talents to their fellow students and to the school community.
The purpose of the activity was to nurture #intrinsicqualities and remove the #fearofstage among students, which helps in personality development.
Talent Hunt is one such event that gives students a platform to represent their talents in any field. It helps students show their abilities and motivates them to come upfront and show their hidden potential.
Students participated enthusiastically and displayed their abilities magnificently. They showcased their skills and displayed their talent in poem recitation, singing, dance, acts, smokeless cooking, music, fashion show, rap, art & craft, mimicry, block building, skating to name a few.
The young talent, with their creative minds and innate caliber, were at their best.