World Food Day
Cambridge celebrates World Food Day– 2022.
“Respect for food is a respect for life, for who we are and what we do”.
Cambridge seeks new and #innovative approaches to promote #studentengagement in a way to bring about positive changes in society.
As a part of this endeavour, Primary Grades celebrated the day with select classroom themes to help them understand the importance of food.
World Food day is celebrated to promote #globalawareness and #action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure healthy diets for all.
To mark the day, grade 1 worked on the theme ” When we each give a little , we can achieve a lot ,” with class educators doing a narration on reducing food waste.
Grade II were involved in advocating #Healthyfood for all with the theme – “Every one has access to healthy food” with Each student showcasing a picture / flashcard of healthy fruit.