Teacher Training -CPD CASCADING

CPD cascading for educators concluded with a two month extensive training schedule that focussed varied domains of the curriculum such as science, history, music, math, circle hour, gross and fine motor skills, AI to name a few.

#MrIndervir and #MsNisha gave final presentations where they covered #coscholastic areas with #uniqueresources that educators can integrate with their teaching.

Mr. Indervir gave a presentation that focussed on “Test and measurement in physical education that go beyond merely evaluating physical abilities,” that gave knowledge about understanding the unique capabilities of each student, providing tailored guidance, and ultimately nurturing a lifelong commitment to physical well-being.

The workshop suggested ways through which educators can significantly enhance the field of #physicaleducation and inspire students to lead #healthier, more #activelives.

Ms.Nisha presented a workshop on #craftwork with specific focus on – Use of Scissors- in 3D Soft board border design, color contrast, design cutting and conducted activities to increase skill of teachers in drawing and cutting.

The success of these school workshop is in the value of the education provided to the students.