Cambridge Circle Time
Cambridge Circle Time
Every student in the classroom needs a platform his/her voice, thoughts and ideas about issues pertaining to the classroom, be it #socialinteractions or about #learning. #Circletime provides this platform, which help the students #bond with their teacher and with each other and also learn about their surroundings.
Cambridge Kindergarten took up relevant issues with #Nursery focus on #Etiquetteandgoodbehaviour,#KGI on #Forestsandthingswegetfromforests and #KGII taking up #Healthylifestyle for the week.
The Class Educators and students sat in a circle, following the rules of ‘Circle Time’ and participated in activities. The skills promoted were looking, speaking, listening, thinking and concentrating.
Students not only gained knowledge but also derived a feeling of #security,#satisfaction as they happily enjoyed the proceedings.